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IHP Physician Spotlight - Dr. Sutthi

This month we would like to introduce our InHouse Physicians Associate from Thailand, Dr. Sutthi. He graduated from the Prince of Songkhla University in Thailand in 1988. He has experience as a family doctor, as well as many specialties such as anti-aging medicine, chelation therapy, hormonal treatment therapy and plant-based nutrition and regenerative medicine. He has experience working with alternative cancer therapies at the Lifeco Clinic in Phuket, Thailand.

He is the founder of the  Phuket Elephant Park. Phuket Elephant Park is a true elephant sanctuary dedicated to the ethical treatment of elephants. Here, elephants that used to work for humans all their life can have a forever home where they are cared for, free and in harmony with nature. With private funds, he has purchased four elephants and worked with  Nurture Elephant Park in Chiang Mai, Thailand. This is a fast-growing market in Thailand.

Personally, he loves to swim in the ocean and waterfalls with his 3 sons. He is an advocate of running, as well as cardio and weight resistance exercises for fitness. He also engages in water fasting and practices a whole foods, plant-based diet for health and wellness. We are glad to have his expertise and experience working with us!