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IHP Physician Spotlight - Dr. Maitiu O. Tuathail

Dr. Matt is a Family Medicine Physician based in the Republic of Ireland. He works both in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland . He has worked with InHouse Physicians as our on-site doctor in both of these locations. Dr. Matt has worked on our Irish programs and his local knowledge of the health care sector in Ireland has proved invaluable for our operations there.

He is extensively educated and besides General Medicine, specializes in Pediatric health, Women's health, Psychiatry, Obstetrics, and Geriatric Medicine . He has obtained certificates in palliative medicine and addiction and is currently doing further training in minor surgery and sports medicine.

He was elected President of the National Association of General Practitioners in 2018; the largest union representing Family Physicians in Ireland. He also manages large and complex health care teams in the charity sector in Ireland.

Besides working as a Physician, Dr. Matt is a keen skier, as well as a scuba diving instructor and is currently learning sign language.

InHouse Physicians is very thankful to have him with his extensive expertise on our team!