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Houston Independent School District: Health Security in Action

As we rang in the new year, we were met with a new, world-wide surge in COVID-19 cases. The Omicron variant (a variant far more transmissible than its predecessors) was spreading rapidly. While this sudden surge in cases pushed some schools to remote-only learning, other large school systems were looking for a partner to bring testing to their school communities. InHouse Physicians, already a veteran at in-school COVID testing with New York City Schools, was chosen to bring their testing capabilities to another large school system.

Beginning in January 2022, iHP took on the enormous responsibility of COVID testing 200 schools in the Houston Independent School District. In partnership with a locally-based, state-of-the-art lab, iHP deploys 27 teams daily to test those students and staff that opt-in to the program, allowing the district to monitor its positivity rate among those who test. In addition, students and staff know their own COVID status, and, with results available within 24 hours of testing, they can quarantine when required. The quick turnaround time for these results is essential in providing rapid response to any potential COVID outbreak that could disrupt school functions.

Houston Independent School system is home to a diverse population of students and staff who are providing a shining example of Health Security in action to school districts nation-wide. Their proactive approach to surveillance testing will not only help keep people safe, but it will also ensure the continuity of in-person classes, which have proven to be far more effective for students over online-only courses. The consistent, weekly testing will continue through the end of the school year.

Testing 200 schools every week is no easy task. InHouse Physicians’ network of highly-skilled professionals have been carefully trained on the best techniques for swabbing, processing specimens, and reporting. These specimens are PCR-tested, providing the most accurate results compared to any other currently-available testing technique. The diagnostic lab is in Houston, making the turnaround time for tests very short in comparison to other labs, who might take up to 72 hours to process specimens.

iHP’s commitment to excellence in service and care drives our clients to keep coming back for their Health Security needs time and time again. This pandemic has shown the world that Health Security is necessary to keep our communities safe from future pandemics. If you are interested in having InHouse Physicians help your organization, meeting, or event with Health Security services, visit our website at