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Health Anxiety at Meetings and Events

Health security should not be an afterthought; it is where planners should begin.

In the span of just a few months, we have seen a drastic change in how Health Security is being handled at events in the United States. With nearly 130,000 positive cases associated with COVID reported daily (in the US), we are in a very confusing stage of this pandemic. Most states have eliminated indoor mask requirements, proof of vaccination, and other protocols that had become commonplace in much of the United States just a few months ago. To many, this is a much-anticipated relief of pent-up frustration at the inconvenience of having to participate in Health Security measures. To some, however, seeing these protocols slowly disappear is a frightening thought.

Many attendees have now reported anxiety about attending in-person events due to the severe toll COVID has taken on the country.

Those who are in favor of the elimination of Health Security measures argue that, at this point, the risk is minimal. They point to the fact that over 60% of the global population has been vaccinated as proof that things are under control. They argue that we should be able to return to normalcy and not have to live in fear any longer.

However, at meetings and events, individuals from all over the world come together to share meals, ideas, and potentially whatever illness they are carrying with the attendee population. Health Security protocols, rapid testing, and on-site medical staff are three tools event coordinators should use to curb future outbreaks, whether they are COVID, flu, or other communicable diseases.

It is understandable that people are anxious to return to life before COVID. But we must remember that this is a virus that has killed nearly 600,000 people in the United States alone. We cannot let our guard down just yet. We need to continue to follow the science and understand the risks associated with meeting together in-person.

With all of this said, what are your thoughts on Health Security at Events? Is the risk of meeting in-person worth it? Let us know in the comments below! And don't forget to follow us on social media for more COVID updates. Stay safe out there!


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With all of this said, what are your thoughts on Health Security at Events? Is the risk of meeting in-person worth it? Let us know in the comments below! And don't forget to follow us on social media for more COVID updates. Stay safe out there!