COVID Testing at New York City Schools
In the fall of 2020, communities around the country were significantly hampered by the inability for children to return to school. Parents could not return to work and students experienced sub-par remote learning. It was at this time that InHouse Physicians partnered with a national COVID lab to begin delivering COVID surveillance testing to schools and universities around the country.
One of those schools system we began servicing was the largest school district in the U.S - the New York City Public Schools. iHP, in conjunction with our lab partner, began providing regularly scheduled PCR COVID tests to both NYC students and faculty in the fall of 2020. With a team of over 200 personnel, iHP was able to visit over 1000 schools per month performing hundreds of thousands of tests.
This project continues today with over 40,000 tests performed per month. iHP’s services have and continue to protect the NYC school system from closures allowing students to return to school and parents to return to work. Other large school systems iHP has been involved with include the Clark County School system in Las Vegas and the Houston Integrated School system in Houston.
Surveillance testing in schools, businesses, and other organizations is a powerful tool iHP implements across the United States. In combination with Daily Health Screenings and Vaccine Verification, weekly testing can vastly increase your organization’s ability to minimize COVID infections and keep your organization’s operations up and running.
Interested in incorporating surveillance testing in your Health Security plan?
Set up an appointment with our COVID testing team.